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Risk assessment for women in the workplace: OiRA increases legal certainty
Risk assessment for women in the workplaceOiRA increases legal certainty The occupational safety regulations have long been oriented towards men's workplaces. As part of the efforts to enforce equal rights for men and women in the workplace, occupational safety...
Why is Occupational Safety important?
The importance of occupational safety for companies and employees Sufficient occupational safety is a prerequisite for every company and its employees to prevent accidents and long-term work-related illnesses. Hence the importance of occupational safety quickly...
Correctly assess the hazard or risk in occupational safety
Hazard and Risk in occupational safety The terms hazard and risk are clearly separated and defined differently in the context of occupational safety and health. A hazard is an event or condition in which there is an unacceptable risk of damage occurring. Therefore...
Legal requirements for employment of contractors
Legal requirements for employments of contractors Legal occupational safety requirements for the employment of external companies If you want to use external companies in your business, you will probably check their competences in advance and leave them with largely...
Identify special hazards in the automotive industry
Identify special hazards in the automotive industry The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has determined numerous special risks for the automotive industry. It is first of all the responsibility of the employer, as part of his fiduciary duty,...
How are risk assessments structured?
How risk assessments are structured Occupational safety as guarantor for work security is one of the core duties of the employer. An important basis of this occupational health and safety is thus the risk assessment. It thereby creates the basis for the fine-tuning of...